Looking for a place to store your stuff?
Looking for a place to store your Van? While we have no direct relationship with any of the businesses listed below (except for our own where mentioned) this list should serve to point you in the right direction.
For vehicle storage and "stuff" storage, probably the best and most well known option is La Paz Mini Storage. They are on the road going to the La Paz Airport. We have sent many of our clients here over the years and have never heard of any complaints. You can find out more information and their contact information here... https://lapazministorage.com/
For our restoration customers, we offer vehicle storage before or after your service is complete, at $125 per month. Our facility is walled and secure, but is outside and uncovered. We offer 3 weeks of storage free of charge after your service is completed to allow ample time to make arrangements for pickup. If you need more time or have any questions, please speak with us. We are not a storage facility per se, rather offer this for our customers when needed and we have space available.
Looking for a place to store your Van? While we have no direct relationship with any of the businesses listed below (except for our own where mentioned) this list should serve to point you in the right direction.
For vehicle storage and "stuff" storage, probably the best and most well known option is La Paz Mini Storage. They are on the road going to the La Paz Airport. We have sent many of our clients here over the years and have never heard of any complaints. You can find out more information and their contact information here... https://lapazministorage.com/
For our restoration customers, we offer vehicle storage before or after your service is complete, at $125 per month. Our facility is walled and secure, but is outside and uncovered. We offer 3 weeks of storage free of charge after your service is completed to allow ample time to make arrangements for pickup. If you need more time or have any questions, please speak with us. We are not a storage facility per se, rather offer this for our customers when needed and we have space available.